Will's Eagle Project

BBQ PIT For New Hope Community Church






Eagle Scout Candidate


For my Eagle Scout Project, I am rebuilding my church's BBQ pit [New Hope Community Church].
Your donation will be acknowledged with a return card stating how it was used.

Please pass this request onto others so we can help all those who respond to our outreach.

To Donate By Check or Cash:

Please make your check payable to New Hope Community Church
and put Will's Eagle Project as a note

then send your donation to:

New Hope Community Church
for Will Hayner's Project
PO Box 456
Ayer MA 01432

To Donate, Fill in and Email Form:

1) Fill in the following information and click the Email to Will button.

2) On the next page are instructions to either mail a check or to use PayPal by clicking the Donate button.

Last Name: *
First Name(s): *
Street Address:
ZIP Code:
Phone: *
Email: *
Ok to be Listed on Donors Page:
Payment Method:

Payment Amount ($ only): * $
How did you hear about the Project?

* Required Information


Contact Information
Will Hayner
Email: admin@WillsEagleProject.org